We exist to cultivate lasting, impactful, and authentic relationship with students that bring love, joy, and truth out of God's Word and into their personal lives.
FS MIDDLE (6th - 8th grade)
FS MIDDLE meets every Sunday at 9:15AM, in the Five Stones HQ on our Community Campus, across the parking lot from our main building. Doors open at 9:00AM. We spend our time with games, a brief message, and time in Small Groups.
FS HIGH (9th - 12th grade)
FS High meets every Wednesday from 7:00-8:30PM on our Community Campus. Doors open at 6:30PM. We spend our time having fun, worshiping together, listening to a brief message, and gathering in small groups for discussion.
On the last Wednesday of each month, we follow the model of Acts 2, gathering in small groups in neighboring host homes. We eat, hang out, and spend time together! Host homes change every month, so check your email or reach out to find out where your host home is located.
If you're the parent of a high school student and would like to participate in hosting The Table, click the link below to let us know.
The most effective leaders strive to serve. Servant leaders are not simply volunteers showing up to do a task, they have ownership and lead by example in service to others. There are tons of opportunities: from a small group leader, working with tech, connection/snack shack, and more!
We want you to join our team to impact the next generation!